
Benefits of OALA Membership

  • OALA Annual General Meetings – annually and coincide with a scheduled training session
  • Regional Specific Training
  • Typically hosted in Toronto
  • Travel allowance to attend meetings
  • Membership to the National Aboriginal Lands Managers Association (NALMA)
  • Provide capacity building, training and expertise in the area of land management for Lands Managers in Ontario
  • Provide professional development workshops with up-to-date and relevant information
  • Tailoring training to OALA members
  • Developing and supporting on-going communication and networking links
  • Operating as a non-political technical body
  • Assisting INAC with input into land management policies
  • Offering tools and systems to manage lands
  • Recruiting members from First Nations in Ontario
  • Introducing professional expertise in the field

Become a Member of OALA

Joining OALA is simple!!