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OALA Newsletter Updates

May 21, 2024

Notice of Opportunity – Director to the Canada Lands Company Limited’s Board of Directors

The Government of Canada has launched an open selection process to appoint a director to the Board of Directors of Canada Lands Company Limited and we want to ensure that members of your community/professional networks, stakeholders and you are aware of this opportunity. We encourage you to share the information and the notice of opportunity with those whom you feel may be suited for this position.

Canada Lands Company Limited is a federal Crown corporation with three subsidiaries: 1) Canada Lands Company CLC Limited manages, redevelops and sells federal lands on behalf of the Government of Canada to ensure that optimal financial and community value is realized from these assets and manages the CN Tower, 2) the Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc. owns the Old Port of Montréal and the Montréal Science Centre and 3) Parc Downsview Park Inc. owns Downsview Park (a former military base) in Toronto and sells the surrounding property for housing and commercial purposes. Through community consultation and partnering with the private sector, Canada Lands Company Limited and its employees apply real estate expertise and creative property solutions to deliver lasting value for Canadians.

For a more complete description of the experience, knowledge and abilities required in this position and to apply online, please visit the Governor in Council Appointments Website. Proficiency in both official languages would be preferred.

Surveying of First Nation Lands Managed Under a Land Code

For more information click here: https://wwf.ca/ 

To print out funding application, click here, CORDA Funding

For more information, visit their website! www.indigenousclimatemonitoring.ca

The forum and the conference brought together Indigenous communities, thought leaders and relevant organizations from across Canada. There were over 200 participants who attended each of these events and heard from a talented group of presenters.

These events provided opportunities for stakeholders, practitioners and experts to discuss relevant issues and practices surrounding cumulative effects. These videos are an engaging way to learn from experts in the field and see how communities are adapting to the cumulative impacts of human activities across environmental, cultural, social and health dimensions.

  • Stewards of the Land – Shawanaga First Nation Environmental Management Plan
    October 12, 2019
  • Shawanaga Land Use Plan – Our Community, Our Way
    October 12, 2019
  • Six Examples of Creative Engagement that Work
    October 12, 2019
    Green 3D map
    We know that having as many people from your Indigenous nation engaged in your land…
  • Five Crucial Elements Every Land Use Plan Needs
    September 1, 2019
    Ducks in water
    What motivates most planners is a deep desire to create spaces for people to live…
  • Three Questions to a Clear Vision
    September 1, 2019
    Tree in winter
    Whether you are building a land use plan, a community energy plan or any other…
  • Background Info Check List
    September 1, 2019
    Scrolls of documents
    Gathering existing background information into one place is a great way to start any planning…
  • Indigenous Planning Cheat Sheet: Five Types, Tips and Resources
    September 1, 2019
    Wooden 3D map
    Springtime is planning time! Do you hear that and groan?
  • Indigenous Nations Lead the Way in Marine Planning: How to Get Involved
    September 1, 2019
    Boat on lake
    From coast to coast to coast, Indigenous nations are leading the way for marine planning.
  • How to Use Video for Maximum Impact
    September 1, 2019
    Man doing video narration
    So you have this fantastic new land use plan that you’ve worked on for two…
  • Indigenous nations prepare for high waters: Floodplain Mapping
    September 12, 2019
    Magnetawan River flooding
    Every spring, a growing number of Indigenous nations face the threat of surging meltwaters, and…

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